Make Spring & SimpleCov play nice
Want to achieve spring-ified bliss for your rails-rspec-guard setup? Read on.
Spring, the app preloader that's integrated with Rails 4.1+, and SimpleCov, everyone's favorite test coverage analyzer don't seem to play nice. The symptoms are differing results when you run rspec with and without Spring. The Spring results will skip many files because of eager loading; SimpleCov doesn't . . .
Posted in: programmingrailsruby
Using Kingo Root on a Mac
Root your Android device without using Boot Camp
Use Kingo to root your android device via VirtualBox with a free Windows image. Just make sure to install the VirtualBox extension pack and enable USB 2.0 support. This may very well work on Linux as well.
Kingo Root seems to be the easiest way to root most modern Android devices. I was excited to . . .
Hack your Gmail inbox
Use Priority Inbox's advanced features to improve your workflow
Maximize your Gmail efficiency by organizing your inbox into the following sections (in order):
- Priority unread
- Drafts
- Starred
- Everything else
Leveraging Gmail's best feature
Priority Inbox is my favorite feature to come to Gmail since the original (and revolutionary) . . .
Posted in: productivity
How to make Vagrant performance not suck
Vagrant is an invaluable tool for creating a standardized virtual environments that make it incredibly easy to bring on new developers. Instead of requiring users to install Postgres, Redis, Elasticsearch, etc to be able to run and develop on your app, you just give them 3 simple steps (hopefully they don't even need the first two):
. . .Posted in: programming
Heroku to OpsWorks
The tale of a hosting migration that shaved 40% off response times
We had a positive experience moving Cult Cosmetics, a rails app, from Heroku to OpsWorks, with response times reduced by ~40%. If you're thinking about making this move, DO IT, but realize that it will probably require more time & effort than you expected.
Why ditch Heroku?
I'm sure everyone has . . .
Posted in: hostingprogrammingrailsruby
How does Responsive Design affect conversion rate?
A/B testing something that we all take for granted
An A/B test revealed that our responsive site didn't perform any better (or worse) than our non-responsive one.
Sometime in 2013, I was discussing Responsive Design with a few of the other Science-backed startup CTOs, and, for the sake of argument, asked if anyone had tested, or knew of a . . .
Posted in: a/b-testinganalyticse-commerce
Bundle Everything
or: how I learned to stop worrying and ditch gemsets for good
If you don't use gemsets and are just interested in my bundler flow, skip to the Bundler workflow section.
In my previous post about switching from rvm to ruby-install and chruby, I mentioned that my primary motivation for switching away from rvm is runaway gemset disk usage:
$ rvm . . .
Posted in: ruby